The Soundtrails Blog

Canberra Uni Presentation: Narratives of Soundtrails
Some months back, Soundtrails founder and producer, Hamish Sewell, presented on Locative Audio & the New Narratives of Places and People at the University of

Let’s talk: What on Earth is the Soundtrails Academy?
The Soundtrails Academy is a safe space to teach, learn and experiment with augmented locative audio. Learn from the people who have done it for over a decade. Join us for a live online demo.

Let’s talk: How to promote the invisible?
Do you track your download numbers? And what about signage? Simple things can make a big difference to the uptake of your audio walk. Join us for a live online session.

Life after Launch
Promoting an audio walk – by nature invisible – involves a combination of online and offline strategies. Here are some steps you can take to promote your Soundtrail.

Soundtrails and Walk Listen Create – shortlisted
Two of our Soundtrails, made it into the 2023 shortlist of the Sound Walk September competition: Sonidos de Teotihuacan, produced by Simon Bradley and Adje

Soundtrails arrives in Melbourne
Soundtrails has just hit publish on Resisting Conscription in World War 1. Based in inner city Melbourne —our first Soundtrail in Victoria — this sonic

Reference Booklet for Audio Walk Producers by Dr Lucy Frears
Nice piece by Dr Lucy Frears about ‘Observations on Voice Recording and Performance and their Effects on Immersion,’ on the Livingmaps Network Journal. Of particular interest

Walk Listen Create: Teotihuacán
A fabulous article by Dr Adje Both on Teotihuacán in Mexico, and the amazing archaeological work he’s been involved in on site recreating the ancient

Walk the Talk 01
We’ve come out of the shell and had a bit of fun making a handcrafted kind of newsletter. Click on hotspots on the map to hear Hamish and myself talk about nature, why we do what we do and what’s in store for Soundtrails.

From Walking Trails to Sound Trails
Collaborating with Stephen Muecke and Jennifer Eagle it was an honour and a pleasure to collaborate and present at the Nulungu Research Institute’s Talking Heads

Launch: The Portland Soundtrail
The Portland Soundtrail was launched on 1st of April 2023. Thanks to the Portland Business Association, the Foundations Portland and all those who helped out

The Miles Soundtrail – now part of an award-winning street restoration project
The street revitalising project in Miles, Western Queensland, which Soundtrails was proud to be part of, has won two awards.

Presenting Soundtrails at Kapila Khandvalla College of Education in Mumbai, India
Soundtrails would like to thank Principal of Kapila Khandvala College of Education (KKCE), Dr Jayashree Inbaraj, along with her staff and students, for allowing us

Cultural Mapping and the Importance of Standards for Geo-locative Audio Data
Soundtrails Director Hamish Sewell recently presented at the InASA conference in Canberra. There was much talk about the value of stories and voices, and the importance of interoperability and archivability of multidisciplinary works.

Calling Indie Producers with project funding in place
Ok, so it’s taken a while, but we finally have worked out the nuts and bolts of hosting commissioned work from Independent producers on the

Soundtrail Producers: Cross Fades are up!
Soundtrail producers have asked for functionality to enable them to control fades of audio tracks. This is particularly important for productions with rich music sound

Launch: A brand-new Inverell Heritage Soundrail
Thanks to all involved in the making of the Inverell Heritage. It’s a rich and highly engaging mix of voices and stories that bring to

Launch: The City of The Gods – Teotihuacan Soundtrail
The Teotihuacan Soundtrail is not our usual fare of digital storytelling. This Soundtrail is not so much about stories, but it is about the

Soundtrails partnering with Universities
Soundtrails is now working alongside a number of universities, from Huddersfield in the UK, to the Masters of Interactive Design and Electronic Arts at Sydney

Portland Soundtrail: building the narrative
Voice artist Lloyd Allison-Young chats with Dr Virginia Madsen prior to recording the script of the Portland Soundtrail. Drawing on her skills directing performers from

How many audio experts does it take to…?
Here is your task, oh clever ones. You have five mini reel to reel tapes and this….what was once a state-of-the-art Phillips ghetto blaster. How

Soundtrails Masterclass OH Conference 2022
So great to have the opportunity to present Soundtrails at this years Oral History Conference in Launceston. Thank you to the organisers and to all

The Situated Listening Experience: teaching Soundtrails at Macquarie University
We are delighted to see Soundtrails now being taught as part of the ‘Podcast and New Sound Media’ course in the dept of media at

Soundtrails partnering with Sydney University
Soundtrails is delighted to be working alongside Dr Luke Hespanhol, Senior Lecturer and Director with the Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts (MIDEA), with