How many audio experts does it take to…?

two men, one woman investigating audio equipment.

Here is your task, oh clever ones. You have five mini reel to reel tapes and this….what was once a state-of-the-art Phillips ghetto blaster. How to find a five minute recording of the Portland town band from way back when? And what exactly is this machine? And are those outputs? And does it really work? Macquarie University audio technician David Trumpmanis, Dr Virginia Madsen and former RN radio engineer, Andrei Shabanov on the case at Macquarie University yesterday gearing up to producing the Portland Soundtrails in the studio. Thanks John Kearns, former Portland band member, who owns this stellar device. Tempting as it is to take it down to King Street this Friday night, hoisted on a good shoulder, and Pump It Out – as you can see we’re onto it.

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