Click on any of the soundfields on the map above to play a story. Note: On location, GPS would trigger these stories automatically.

Just 20km south of the border, Tenterfield is a clear-sky town at the very tip of New South Wales. Rimmed by national parks and large granite outcrops, this is a town built on crossroads; between the coast and the western plains, traditional aboriginal tribal lands, states lines, time zones and railway gauges.
The Tenterfield soundtrail is a geo locative audio walk that carries us up the creek and down the main street of town, and into the history, the hearts and minds of the locals.
Hear stories of the ghosts in the jailhouse, the playful patter of what it means to be a local, talking cats, German brass bands and Peter Allen’s manna from heaven.
This is a celebration of Tenterfield – the town, its history and people. Beautiful sounds and stories produced by world-class radio producers … with some help from the kids of St Joseph’s school.
Credits & Contributors
Getting over the line:
Aub Gillespie
Cat’s Got His Tongue:
John Sommerlad, Glenda O’Sullivan as ‘puss’. Boer War Battle Song sung by Bach Choir.
South of the Border:
Ken Halliday, Terry Kneipp, Nancy Fox and Aub Gillespie.
Brass Bands:
Audio from the Tenterfield Bavarian Music and Beer Festival 2015.
Calling Cards:
Beryl Dean
Kasey Petty, Bruce Petrie, Jim Landers and the Tenterfield Pony Club kids. Audio (footage) from shows in Tenterfield & Warialda.
Listen! :
Dolly Jerome
He’s My Grandfather too:
Terry Kneipp
How long before you’re a local?:
Thanks to students from St Joseph’s School and the school community.
J. F. Thomas:
Ken Halliday, Daphne Struck & Terry Kneipp
Memorial Hall:
Nancy Fox, John Sommerlad & Sue Jurd
Manna from heaven:
Gail Galloway & Michael Sullivan
Ray Tullipan:
Peter Harris, Tony Kelly, Aub Gillespie & Barry Brooks. Peter Harris is singing and playing Ray Tullipan’s songs ‘Waiting and praying for you’ & ‘Cross my heart’.
Tent City:
Ian Unsworth
Now for some local history:
Brought to us by the St Joseph’s History Team.
The ghost of Tenterfield jail:
Thanks to the helpful policeman at Tenterfield Police Station
Tenterfield Star:
Sue Jurd
Anzacs of Tenterfield:
by Welder’s Dog from their CD “Up to No Good” 2015
Henry Parks:
Dennis Scanlon
Weather worn and loving it:
Kerrie Andrew and Ashley Palmero from Breeze FM
Hidden Soundfields – Skate park:
Sound design by Hamish Sewell
Thanks to:
The Catholic Schools Office in Armidale, the Tenterfield Historical Society and the Tenterfield Community