Miles Soundtrail: Making the Music

Two musicians with acoustic string instruments recording

Veteran Sunshine Coast musicians, Steve Cook and Jem Dunlop, who are no strangers to working together over the years, spent a day in the studio recently with Soundtrails producer, Hamish Sewell, building the sound-beds for the up-and-coming Miles Soundtrail. These guys, like so many artists, are natural storytellers, and know what it means to listen and respond creatively and empathically.

Attached is a short excerpt from one of the four recorded tracks on the day. As you listen, close your eyes and imagine walking along the Dogwood Creek in central Queensland as elderly Miles resident, Merlene Coates Freeman, shares what it was like being the six year old and getting caught up in the boating incident in the summer of 1940. If Merlene got out alive, her 23 year old mother Daphne Coates, along with three others, wasn’t so lucky.

The Miles Soundtrail launches soon.

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