Reference Booklet for Audio Walk Producers by Dr Lucy Frears

Nice piece by Dr Lucy Frears about ‘Observations on Voice Recording and Performance and their Effects on Immersion,’ on the Livingmaps Network Journal. 

Of particular interest for the Soundtrails Academy is her fabulous booklet with essential considerations and great tips for audio walk producers called DEEP MAP APP REFERENCE TOOL.

Although Dr Lucy Frears booklet was authored in 2016 and a couple of bits need updating – it shows that fundamental techniques and approaches are enduring and haven’t changed. We will be adding this to the Soundtrails Academy recommended reading list. 

"The free guide, the ‘deep map reference tool’ that accompanies this introduction aims to support those wishing to create GPS-triggered app experiences using digital content (sound, images and film) that connect a walking participant to a site and its multilayered stories and histories. Most aspects can be adapted to work with other ways to explore landscape – for example MP3 audio walks. In addition to the tool this introduction shares insights on how voice affects a participant’s engagement and ‘immersive flux’, the fluctuation between embodiment and immersion that occurs during site-specific sound experiences. Two versions of the tool have been made available to download for use by, for example, artists, geographers, oral historians, app commissioners, students and community groups. The list of insights can be downloaded or a booklet can be printed and assembled. "

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