From Walking Trails to Sound Trails

red slide cover with title Walking Trails to Soundtrails

Collaborating with Stephen Muecke and Jennifer Eagle it was an honour and a pleasure to collaborate and present at the Nulungu Research Institute’s Talking Heads Seminar Series.

Nulungu Research Institute is part of the University of Notre Dame Australia.

Our collaborative presentation reported 

“on progress to date on the ARC DP, Revitalising Country: The Lurujarri and Tjilbruke Walking Trails (2020-2024), and its proposed extension into a new Linkage Project, Soundtrails: Producing Digital Sound Maps on Indigenous Country. In a sense, both projects go back to the teachings of Paddy Roe, who took Muecke and the painter Krim Benterrak walking on Roebuck Plains for Reading the Country (1984), as Muecke made audio recordings. Roe later created the Lurujarri Heritage Trail, which has been going for over 30 years.

The new Project, partnering with Sewell’s Soundtrails, will research stories of Indigenous and non-Indigenous connections to Country that have rarely been mapped together in complex, layered soundscapes. The research problem centres around how to research and map live dialogues and stories on living Country with non-human voices as well.”

Head to the University of Notre Dame / Nulungu Research Institute to see more.

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