Soundtrails Builder Terms of Use

When accessing and using the Soundtrails Builder you warrant that you will not:

  • post or provide any inappropriate, offensive, racist, hateful, sexist, pornographic, false, misleading, incorrect, infringing, defamatory or libellous content or information;
  • post or transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, or any other form of solicitation (commercial or otherwise) through the Soundtrails platform or to any user;
  • use any third party copyright protected material in your content;
  • impersonate another person or gain unauthorised access to another person’s account.

You understand that:

  • we do not make any claim on the content you submit to the Soundtrails platform. You retain all artistic rights and ownership over your content;
  • unless you are a commissioned producer or you are an Independent Producer and we have approved your project you understand that the content you create will normally not be published on the Soundtrail mobile app;
  • If you are accessing the Soundtrails Builder through the Academy License and if you’d like your work to be considered for publication on the Soundtrails mobile app, please read up on how we work with Independent
  • Producers and contact us for a chat;
  • Access to the Soundtrails platform as part of an Academy licence is for learning and experimentation only. You can test and experience your project(s) through the mobile app ‘Sandpit’ using a unique Sandpit code;

Any project on the Soundtrails builder can be embedded in websites. 

  • We are not responsible or liable for the consequences caused by any Soundtrails project you embed into your own or a third party website, social media or any other publicly accessible channel.

You can request from us to delete your account at any time. 

You can contact us with any questions you might have in relation to your personal information at any time.

We reserve the right:

  • to remove any content that does not comply with this code. Our decision is final;
  • to cancel your account if you act inappropriately;
  • to make changes to this agreement.

We will make reasonable attempts to communicate any changes to this to you.

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